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this is my cat, Jeane. She is a domestic shorthair tabby cat. as you have already noticed, she is not only cute and precious, but also adorable. she is super snuggly and soft and i love her so much! She is 9 years old (in human years) but we adopted her when she was 4 years old. She was a gift to me from my boyfriend when I moved to Canada. He took me to the humane soicety as a surprise and said I could pick out a kitty! As soon as i walked into the cat-greeting room, Jeane walked right up to me and weaved around my legs, rubbing her face on me. I got really teary eyed, I knew she was the one ;v; We picked her up one week later, and she has been my squishy little kitty ever since.

she is very lazy and loves to lounge around. she always asks for her meals 2 hours in advance LOL. You can't leave bread out around her or she will find it and devour it in a minute, I call her a bread-seeking missle. She also loves to watch the birds that live on our patio and come to sit on the windowsills! she loves to snuggle too, of course. she loves to cuddle up with me while i work, and every night comes to lay with me when i go to bed. shes mommy's little snuggler!

She is my sweet little baby, and i love her forever and forever.